Town of Daleville’s Storm Water Program

Storm water run-off occurs when precipitation from rain or snowmelt flows over the ground. Impervious surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, and streets prevent storm water from naturally soaking into the ground. Storm water can pick up debris, chemicals, dirt, and other pollutants and flow into a storm sewer system or directly to a lake, stream, river, wetland, or coastal water. This can have many adverse effects on plants, fish, animals, and people. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires designated communities, counties and entities to create a plan for storm water to protect environment, insure public health, and protect receiving waters at the point of introduction of pollution. Daleville has created the required plan. This plan focuses on six key areas: public education and outreach, public participation and involvement, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site storm water run-off management, post construction storm water run-off control, and good housekeeping and pollution prevention. The community can help improve storm water quality and minimize costs at home, work, and in the car.

The EPA requires the Town of Daleville to comply with regulations; however provides no funding. Daleville residents are charged $1.50 a month to help pay for this program. The Ordinance establishing this fee can be found in the Utility Ordinance.

Public Education and Outreach

The Town has declared April as “Storm Water Awareness Month”. Be on the lookout for more information every April!

Have you seen these stickers?

You will see them marking various storm drains around Town. Anything that goes in these storm drains eventually ends up in the River!

Public Participation and Involvement 

If you are interested in getting involved in helping with the Town of Daleville’s Storm Water Program, please fill out the below form and return to Town Hall.

Yes I am interested form (Opens in New Tab)

Take our survey to help us learn how much residents know about Storm Water pollution!

Did you know???…

Daleville has recycling drop-off available at the Fire Station the 2nd Saturday of every month. Additionally, household hazardous waste is collected year-round at East Central Recycling, 701 E. Centennial Avenue, Muncie.

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

Q. What is an illicit discharge?

A. Any discharge to a waterway that is not composed entirely of storm water. This includes: sanitary wastewater, septic tank effluent, car wash wastewater, oil disposal, radiator flushing disposal, laundry wastewater, roadway accident spillage, and household hazardous wastes.

Daleville has established an Ordinance regulating illicit discharges, which can be found here IDDE Ordinance.

What you can do to help? If you see someone putting something down the storm drains that shouldn’t be there, please contact Town Hall at 765-378-6288 immediately.

Construction/Post Construction Site Storm Water Run-off Management and Control

Planning on construction within the Town of Daleville? If you will be disturbing more than one (1) acre of land, there are procedures you must follow.

Before beginning construction, you must submit a set of plans to the Town for review of erosion control methods and approval. Upon approval, you must complete a Notice of Intent and submit to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). A copy must also be submitted to the Town. Download the NOI

Information on Erosion Control Methods can be found at this link: Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual. Inspections will be conducted regularly by the Town.

Upon completion of the construction, you must complete a Notice of Termination and submit to IDEM.

Download the NOT

Please contact Town Hall at 765-378-6288 if you have any questions about construction projects within the Town.

Daleville has established an Ordinance regulating projects disturbing more than one (1) acre of land, which can be found here Construction and Post Construction Ordinance.

Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention

This area regulates activities conducted by the Municipality (Daleville) themselves. Daleville complies with this program by:

  • Conducting regular storm sewer maintenance;

  • Conducting regular street sweeping;

  • Storing road salt enclosed in a shed;

  • Recycling automotive fluids from maintenance activities;

  • Minimizing pesticide application around Town;

  • Not conducting fuel dispensing at the Town;

  • Maintaining a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan;

  • Conducting regular inspections of Town facilities;

  • Annual training of Town Employees on Good Housekeeping practices; and

  • Tracking maintenance activities, such as: automotive fluid recycling, salt delivery, street sweeping, storm water sampling, and pesticide application.

More Information

Click on the links below for more information on storm water:

After the Storm

Hazardous Waste Brochure

Upcoming Events

Coming Soon…
